Exercise 1 - Task 3 - Retro & Wrap Up

Stand together with your feature team and discuss the following points and summarize your discussion on a flip chart:

Review & Summarize:

  • What did you learn today?
  • Sketch the CI process that you just followed in the exercise on a flip-chart to remember it
  • What went well?
  • What was problematic?
  • What are the important rules to follow when working with Continuous Integration in a large team?
  • How often should a developer integrate his work with the central source code repository?
  • When would you use branches in your project?
  • Who should be responsible to merge branches?
  • How often would you recommend to merge branches and when?
  • What are potential problems with long living feature branches?
  • What can you think of that would make sense to typically automate in a CI server to ensure your software's quality?


  • Quickly show your results to a coach/teacher to discuss your outcomes.
  • Maybe exchange your outcomes with other teams?

When you're done you can chat with the bots, your colleagues or go home and enjoy the evening :-)

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