Exercise 1 - Solution - Task 1
This is a simple reference implementation of a simple chat bot, that you could use as a reference on how to implement Task 1 of the exercise.
Please Replace Funny
everywhere with your unique bot name!
The ChatBot class:
public class FunnyBot implements ChatBot {
public String getName() {
return "Funny";
public String getDescription() {
return "Responds to every message containing the word `fun`.";
public boolean canHandleMessage(String message) {
String msg = message.toLowerCase();
return msg.contains("fun");
public String getAnswer(String message) {
return "Sorry, but I think this is no fun at all!"
Register your bot inside method init()
in ChatBotFactory
botRegistry.registerBot(new WelcomeBot());
You have at least to adjust the ChatBotRegistrationTest
to reflect the newly added bot:
public void numberOfRegisteredBotsAsExpected() {
.describedAs("Registered bots")
.hasSize(1); // <--- adjust the number of expected bots here!
// add another test method for the new added bot:
public void funnyBotIsRegistered() {
Finally a test for the new chat bot should have been added:
public class FunnyBotTest {
private FunnyBot bot = new FunnyBot();
public void handlesAllFunMessages() {
assertThat(bot.canHandleMessage("something is sooo FUNNY in the middle of the sentence")).isEqualTo(true);
public void answersWithNoFunAtAll() {
assertThat(bot.getAnswer("some message containing fun"))
.isEqualTo("Sorry, but I think this is no fun at all!");